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My Husband Don and I have been married for 22 years. We have a "Blended" family. Holidays are always special for our family.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Its funny how sometimes things will happen to make you remember things that you had forgotten all about.  Today I was looking through a suitcase that I have full of memories and pictures. I found this picture of My Grandson Sammy taken when he was only a couple of months old. I found a "Santa Suit" at Wal-mart and I thought how cute it would be to have his picture made in it. I made arrangements with his Mom and Dad to let me take Sammy to JC Penny's to have pictures made. They would meet us there after they got off from work. I was so excited to be taking him to have his first Professional Pictures taken!  I didn't realize that I would have to change His clothes for different poses. I was the one who packed his bag for the pictures and I packed plenty of clothes but NO DIAPERS!! Well You can guess what happened! Can you believe that the Portrait Studio didn't have any spare diapers!!! What?? I would have to go buy some diapers while we were waiting for Mom and Dad. To my surprise JC Penny's doesn't sell diapers! How did I know? We were at a BIG MALL and you would think a MALL would have a store that sold diapers! NO!  So I went back to JC Penny and started wondering around the infant department until I spotted a young couple with a baby! I explained my situation to them and they laughed and gave me a diaper. I offered to pay them for it but they just laughed and said no! So thanked them and we went back to get the pictures made. Turns out they were the cutest pictures ever! So glad I didn't decide to leave and not get them taken! And So glad JC Penny has an infant dept. You can meet the nicest people there!

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