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My Husband Don and I have been married for 22 years. We have a "Blended" family. Holidays are always special for our family.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Friday "Date Nite" with Sammy and Maddie

When Don and I first got married Friday nite was our Date nite! It was the only chance to be alone and have adult conversation! Over the years as the kids started getting older Friday was babysitting nite for the Grandchildren. We have shared many precious memories over the past years with some of our Grands that are grown now!
Last nite we took our two youngest Grandchildren Sammy who is 6yrs old and Maddie his sister who is 3yrs old to see a movie. This was the first time we took both of them together to a show. Its hard  to find something that they both will like. We went to the 4pm matinee since it was cheaper! It only cost $7 for each child ticket and $6.50 for each of us (we got the senior discount). I smuggled in drink boxes and snacks for the kids in my purse. Then  for Us we splurged for a bucket of popcorn and a drink to share. Also got some M&Ms for all of us to share. All for $15!
The 4pm matinee was a good call!  There was only one other family in the theater with us for the entire movie! So that was nice. I was glad they were showing movie previews because it took us awhile to Convince Maddie she would be more comfortable in a "Booster Seat". Once she was settled and happy
Sammy decided he would be more comfortable in a "Booster Seat" too!
Finally everyone is seated and "Comfortable"! Lights out! Passed out snacks and movie starts!  I look over at Maddie and she is picking through her M&Ms and holding each one up to see if its a GREEN one. She had to eat the green ones first.
I have to say that I was surprised the movie held their attention the whole 1hr. 45min!! I had to go the the bathroom twice!
Movie was a success!!! So we decided to take them to Chick-fil-A for dinner! WRONG move!!
Friday nite must be Grandparent and Grands nite!! Almost needed a leash to keep track of who's with who!
Needless to say we ate fast!
On the way home Maddie was arguing with me and I was trying to explain to her that arguing is "Talking Back" and that can get you in trouble! Well Big Brother Sammy defends her by Saying "NaNa its OK! Sissy doesn't know what she is saying because her BRAIN isn't all the way BUILT yet!!! Ha! Wonder how old you are when you BRAIN is BUILT??  Maddie doesn't know it but Sammy is a GREAT Brother!

I started thinking when we got back home how much fun we have with! Sometimes we are exhausted when they go home! BUT 5 minutes later I miss them!

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