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My Husband Don and I have been married for 22 years. We have a "Blended" family. Holidays are always special for our family.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Easter is a very important Holiday for our Family. We always celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour "Jesus Christ".

We also celebrate by having the Children over for a BIG dinner! Everyone brings a special dish. The little ones had "Chocolate Bunnys' for dessert! Maddie decided to take the Bunny from Sammy's basket(don't know why because she had one in hers). Of course Sammy was a little upset when he went to get his and it was gone. I got the Bunny from Maddie's basket and gave it to Sam! Problem Solved! NOT!
 Bunny from Maddie's basket wasn't solid CHOCOLATE! It had Peanut Butter in it! They looked exactly the same!! How could this be! Then I remembered I bought a "White Chocolate Bunny" for myself. It was my Birthday! Why Not! I could almost taste that White Chocolate too! I figured he wouldn't eat it all anyway so I would still get to eat some of it later:) NaNa Saved the Day!

My only regret is we didn't have a picture of Maddie eating her "Solid Chocolate Bunny"! She had it all over her hands! She came running in the kitchen and stopped when she dropped the "Chocolate Bunny" on the floor! Everyone froze and you could have heard a Pin Drop! She just looked at everyone and said "IT's NOT POOP! Ha! I guess the last time everyone looked at her like THAT it was!

After dinner we always enjoy hiding eggs for the younger ones to find. I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when they find an egg. They always have plenty of help from the adults!
I filled the eggs with Jelly Beans. I also put money in a few of the eggs. After the egg hunt they took the eggs in the house to look inside them for the surprise! Sammy came running outside and said "NaNa some of my eggs have Jelly beans and some have Money in them"! I said "Yes that's right"! He then said "But I don't want the Jelly beans"!
It didn't take him long the figure out Maddie would trade the Money for the Jelly Beans! Ha!

I hope and pray that we always have "Little One's" around to enjoy!

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