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My Husband Don and I have been married for 22 years. We have a "Blended" family. Holidays are always special for our family.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Disappearing Socks

It's always been a mystery to me how you can put 5 "pairs" of socks in the Dryer and only get 4 1/2 back!
Where do the socks go? And why is it only "New" socks that get lost! Like the special pair that you got for Christmas and Love to wear because they are soft and warm!
Put them in the Dryer and only one comes back!!
A friend told me once to put all the socks in a mesh bag and dry them together! What? A bag of Socks! Do you wash them all together too?  I can't imagine saying " I have to go home to wash a "load" of  socks!  How many socks would you have to wash to make a load? And you would have to wash Whites in one load and Colored in another!  That's a lot of work for SOCKS!! I do know that the other half of the lost sock usually ends up tucked in a corner of the sock drawer hoping for the return of the lost one! When the sock doesn't return, eventually, the odd socks are finally retired and thrown out! Just another one of "Life's Unsolved  Mysteries"!
Please share your thoughts and suggestions on this important topic! Have a Good one? :)

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